fitness mindset Jul 15, 2019

Do you struggle with having CONSISTENT MOTIVATION when it comes to reaching your health & fitness goals? Do you have trouble making it to the gym after a long day at school, work, hanging out with friends? Or maybe you’re like me… #guilty of not wanting to workout even after spending the day on the couch 😭

Whatever it is, having MOTIVATION day in and day out is RARE. So if you’re lacking some motivation right now, give yourself some grace and know that it’s OK!

I struggle with this often too, but to get back on the horse, you need to RECONNECT!!! I’ve learned there are 3 things that constantly need to be in the forefront of your mind in order to stay motivated and crushing it day in and day out. With these 3 things present, you’re destined for greatness, but if you lack even one, you’re sure to fall short, let life get in the way and worst of all… make excuses.



I’m sure you’ve heard of this before but knowing your WHY is crucial to long lasting success. In my BFIT Body & Mind 12 Week Coaching Program this is one of the first things I dive into with my girls because knowing EXACTLY what’s motivating you to reach your goal is crucial to your success! Keep in mind, this why/purpose, CAN’T BE SUPERFICIAL. This has to be DEEP and you have to feel some type of PAIN otherwise motivation will be far and few between.

STRONG Why Examples:

  • I absolutely hate looking at myself in the mirror, it makes me feel worthless and makes me cry knowing I don’t feel confident in my body.

  • I want to get healthy so I can make sure I’m able to play with my kids and watch them grow

  • I’m sooo hurt that I’ve let myself go. I know I can do better and I’m DONE making excuses for myself. It’s time to TAKE ACTION & become the person I know I can be.

These are the type of reasons to get off of the couch each day. These feelings of enough is enough or I’m doing this for someone else is soooo much stronger than, I want to look good in a bikini.

TIP: Answer the Following Questions to get Reconnected with your Why

  • Why is living a healthy lifestyle important to you? FAMILY? FRIENDS? HEALTH?

  • How would you feel if nothing changed for you within the next 6 months?

  • Are you 110% happy with where you’re at?


Again, having a SPECIFIC goal is extremely important. I’ve talked to so many women who want to “lose 20lbs” and it’s great!!! However, if you can’t answer the following questions…

  • By when?

  • How are you going to do this?

  • Is your goal realistic?

If you can’t answer these questions… you don’t have a goal, you have a wish. Not only that, you don’t have anything to measure your progress. I want to lose 20lbs turns into I want to lose 20lbs… before I die?… and that is NOT going to get you to take action. However, if I want to lose 20lbs before Labor Day because my family and I are going on a boating trip that I want to feel really good and confident in my bikini at… now that’s something that’s going to get your butt off the couch and into the gym. I’m all about not putting “pressure” on myself to reach a goal, but remember that pressure it was pushes you out of your comfort zone. And if you’re not willing to step out of your comfort zone.. you may need to rethink if reaching this goal is even important to you at all…

TIP: Answer the Following Questions to Figure Out your Goal

  • What results will make you happy within the next 6 months?

  • By when would you like to see change?

  • Do you have an event coming up that you’d like to feel good at?


This is by far the most important!!! I’m going to be suppperrrr cliche here and remind you that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. If you have a goal without a plan, how do expect to achieve the goal? By hoping…? By praying…? By wasting money on pointless supplements that promise you’ll lose 10lbs in a week if you just take this magic pill…? NO GIRL! YOU NEED A PLAN!!!

When you’re prepared and know exactly what you’re going to eat and what you’re going to do in the gym day by day, you’re more likely to stick to it. You’re more likely to stay MOTIVATED and you’re more likely to hey… actually REACH YOUR GOAL!

Trying to purse a fitness goal without a plan is like trying to drive to New York from San Diego without Siri… yes, you can probably stop and ask for help here and there after driving days of driving in the wrong direction but it will take you sooooo much longer than just inputting the destination and knowing the exact route you’ll take to get there… am I right!?

TIP: Ask for Help!

If you have trouble creating your own fitness and nutrition plan, ASK FOR HELP! I create custom programs for my clients so they know EXACTLY how their going to reach their goal. Stop guessing, stop wasting time, stop hoping and praying that what you’re doing is going to work and ASK FOR HELP!

I promise you, You CAN reach your goals! You just need to get reconnected. Remember your WHY, get specific on your GOAL and create a PLAN!

With Love,

Elise Borelli

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