Let’s Talk About… The 80/20 Rule

food nutrition Jul 08, 2019

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?

If you struggle with finding balance in your diet than this might be for you.

The basic idea of the 80/20 rule is very simple.

In order to be healthy, balanced and still reach your goals,  you don’t ALWAYS have to make healthy food choices 100% of the time.

80% is enough and the remaining 20% you can choose less healthy foods and indulge yourself GUILT FREE!

To reach your health & fitness goals you DO NOT have to: 

  • Sacrifice meals and outings with friends & family

  • Deprive yourself from the foods you enjoy

  • Do hours upon hours of cardio

All you have to do is find BALANCE!

But what does it mean to find balance?

Well... it can mean different things for different people...

For me, I LOVE CHEESECAKE... so my balance is eating relatively clean throughout the week and INDULGING in my favorite Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory 😃 on Sundays as my TREAT MEAL (not cheat meal because it's a lifestyle not a diet).

Maybe for you, you absolutely love Cheez ITZ or you love Hot Cheetos or you love Ice cream, whatever it is, balance is finding a way to ENJOY these foods in MODERATION while still selecting healthier choices 80% of the time.

I'm a firm believer that you CAN have your cake & eat it too.

Not only does following the 80/20 rule help you reach your goals, it helps you REACH YOUR GOALS FOR GOOD and avoid yo/yo dieting because you're no longer DEPRIVING yourself from your favorite foods.

This feeling of deprivation in order to reach your goals is what leads to binge eating and something I strongly disagree with.


In order to make sure you’re truly living the 80/20 rule and not the 50/50 rule… you still need to have a PLAN!!!

Meal planning and prepping is crucial to ensure you aren’t over doing it! The more you can limit your need/want for foods you know aren’t going to help you reach your goals the better. A home cooked meal will always be a better choice than eating out. So the more you can limit those unnecessary take out orders the more you can indulge in what you REALLY want, guilt free.

In my 12 Week Online Coaching Program BFIT Body & Mind, I help my clients find their balance because the only way to truly live a healthy lifestyle is to enjoy ALLLL the food GUILT FREE and in MODERATION.

Do you follow the 80/20 rule?


With Love,

Elise Borelli

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